Doctor Who


Well-Known Member
Leider nicht so gut wie es hätte sein können...

Mein Lieblingsteil ist immer noch der zweite Teil von Darth Vader vs Hitler oder Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs :smile:


New Member
Bin jetzt fast mit der 6ten neuen Season durch. Gefällt mir, das die Handlungsstränge sich sichtbar durch viele Folgen ziehen und diese auch etwas düsterer sind. Hab Smith sehr ans Herz geschlossen, obwohl ich doch den 10ten noch am Liebsten habe.

Eine kurze Frage zur ersten Doppelfolge der sechsten Season,
warum genau wurde der Doctor und seine Leute von den Agenten gejagt?


New Member
Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere,

weil sie ja gegen die Silence kämpfen, und die ja inzwischen die gesamte Regierung unterwandert haben. (ausserdem müssen sie sie ja alle irgendwie zusammen in diesem Steinding zusammenkriegen, und das geht am glaubhaftesten und unauffälligsten wenn sie als 'Leichen' hingebracht werden...


New Member
Vielleicht hab ich das nicht mehr richtig in Erinnerung, aber
in der ersten Folge war die Regierung ja noch auf ihrer Seite. Als die zweite Folge losging wurden sie auf einmal gejagt, wobei der Typ(Name will mir gerade nicht einfallen...) ja insgeheim doch zu ihnen gehörte. Und am Ende waren wieder alle auf der selben Seite. Versteh ich nicht ganz. Und die Silence haben ja irgendwie nicht mehr gemacht als Leute vergessen zu lassen oder sie zu zerbröseln...


Lebt noch

The Doctor called them parasites; they were unable to develop any science or technology on their own. Instead they relied on other species. (TV: Day of the Moon)

The Silents had been on Earth for thousands of years, since the time the wheel and fire were developed, unnoticed by the human race. They used post-hypnotic suggestion to make humans do their bidding in such things as going to the Moon. (TV: Day of the Moon)

In 1561, Silents took notice of a time storm and the arrival of River Song and the Doctor. They managed to separate them across time, sending the Doctor two centuries into the future. Around this time, they were experimenting with Stasis Field technology. They were harnessing the temporal energy to further their endevours, but River stole their generator. The Doctor and River arrived later to steal a Silence Time Capsule to break through the Daleks' Time Lock. The Silents used a piece of the Eternity Clock to change fixed points in time. The Silents were defeated by River Song and the Doctor stole the Time Capsule. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

Silents appeared in London 1605, while Amy, Rory and the Doctor solved the mystery that involved the Rutan Host and the gunpowder plot. At least one Silent was in the Houses of Parliament when it was in orbit. It was seen by Rory Williams whilst he was fixing an EMP generator. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot)

A Silent was in the White House in 1969 (WC: Prequel (The Impossible Astronaut)) and killed a woman named Joy in front of Amy Pond before delivering a post-hypnotic suggestion for her to "tell the Doctor what he must know, and what he must never know". (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

Before July in 1969, a great number of Silents had taken up residence at a disused orphanage where the little girl was held. They used post-hypnotic suggestions to make the director believe the orphanage was still in operation. They showed great interest in the little girl, putting her in a life support "astronaut" suit to keep her healthy and safe - even equipping the suit with a built-in weapons system. The Silents kidnapped Amy when she was investigating the orphanage with Canton. They took her to their underground lair and cryptically told her that she would help "bring the Silence." (TV: Day of the Moon)

The Doctor implants a Silent's command for humans to kill them
Added by Skittles the hogThe Doctor inflicted a crushing defeat on the Silents when he ensured that humanity saw footage of a wounded Silent they held captive spliced into the footage of the Moon landing broadcast. In it, the Silent said "You should kill us all on sight"; it had said this to Canton Delaware, sneering at human mercy while he tried to help heal it after it had been shot. This footage was immediately viewed by half a billion humans, It would be seen every time anyone saw the Apollo 11 landing, one of the most famous and frequently viewed film sequences in the history of humanity. Without enough time to implant more post-hypnotic suggestions when humans looked at them, the remainder of the Silents on Earth in 1969 seemed doomed, although at least one did survive to 2011. (TV: Day of the Moon)

A single Silent spied on the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River in 2011 Utah. Amy noticed it before she was distracted. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut)

Two Silents witnessed Madame Kovarian kidnap River Song from the Luna University and force her into an astronaut suit as part of Kovarian's plan to kill the Doctor. When River asked Kovarian what they were, Kovarian replied, "your owners." (TV: Closing Time)

In the Area 52 Pyramid in an alternate timeline, over a hundred Silents were "captured" by Amy Pond's troops and placed in specimen tanks filled with water to prevent them from drawing electricity. (WC: Prequel (The Wedding of River Song)) This turned out to be a trap to get to the Doctor. The Silents easily broke out and killed the guards. Three Silents tried to kill Rory, but were gunned down by Amy. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

Time Lord

of The Doctor
Sesqua schrieb:
Da es eine 11th Doctor Frage ist wird sie dir sicherlich gerne Doctor winged von Devil beantworten :smile:

Sry war grad noch auf ner Hochzeit auf Traksilon 5, schleimige Angelegenheit, aber egal, hast ja in deinem anderen Post alles wichtige zusammengefasst :wink:



Lebt noch
Das ugly smilie sollte darauf hinweisen das es sarkastisch gemeint war :wink: aber ich rate allen deutsch Sehern bei den DVDs auf die komplettbox zu warten und sie nicht ihn part1 usw zu kaufen. Das is reine Geld macherei.


New Member
Mist XD
Ich dachte eigentlich meine Defizite in Sachen Sarkasmus und Ironie wirken sich kaum auf meinen Umgang im Internet aus XD
Staffelboxen zu Season 5 sollen aber auch noch kommen,w enn ich mich nicht irre.


Serial Watcher
Spoiler für die Fortsetzung der aktuellen Staffel:
Die Cybermen kommen in einer der kommenden Folgen zurück. Schreiben durfte die Geschichte Neil Gaiman (Stardust), der sich schon für "The Doctor's Wife" einen Hugo Award eingefangen hat. Quelle mit kurzem BBC-Clip zum Thema Cybermen hier: Klick