Saw: The Game 1+2 [Kritik]


Es ist ja wieder klar, das von jedem Scheiß noch ein Video Game dazu kommen muss. Wundert mich das die das nach Abschluss der Reihe machen wollen. So hätten die doch viel mehr Geld verdient, wenn die zu jedem Film ein passendes Game rausgebracht hätten. Wie das bei Harry Potter immer der Fall ist.

Vielleicht zeigt das aber auch die Klasse des Games aus.

Naja die Thematik muss man dann schon lieben. Ich finde das ist was anderes ob man darüber einen Film guckt, oder man in nem Game Leute foltert. Muss jeder selber wissen, finde das aber etwas krank. Obwohl ich kenne mich mit Games nicht so aus, vielleicht gibt es ja tausende Folter Games auf dem Markt und ich weiß es nur nicht.

Jedenfalls das Spiel wird ehe nichts für mich sein.


hauptsache bereits gesehen
Wird vermutlich nimmer kommen, da die Entwicklungsfirma Brash pleite gegangen ist.


Not interested in Naval Policy
Schade, jetzt habe ich mich schon auf die DS-Version gefreut, das hätte bestimmt coole Minispiele gehabt: Wer sägt sein Bein schneller ab ( mit Touchpad) :uglylol:


zieht keine Aggro

Lange wars still, nun sind erste handfeste Infos + Bilder veröffentlicht wurden.

- Nachdem Brash im letzten Herbst Pleite ging, fielen die Saw-Rechte wieder an das Filmstudio Lionsgate zurück. Danach erhielt Konami die Rechte und beauftragte das Entwicklungsstudio Zombie mit der Umsetzung eines Videospiels.

- Die Handlung wird komplett neu sein, soll aber zu den Filmen passen.

- Im Mittelpunkt stehen die tödlichen Fallen in Form von Puzzles des Folterers Jigsaw.

- Der Spieler ist in einem Irrenhaus. Er entscheidet, ob er Opfern von Jigsaw hilft und falls ja, wie er die Puzzles der Fallen löst.

- Einige Fallen sollen Fans aus den Filmen kennen.

- Schauspieler Tobin Bell wird offenbar dem Jigsaw-Charakter seine Synchronstimme leihen.

Bilder: Saw


Guybrush Feelgood
Klingt doch sehr abgefahren und die ersten Bilder sehen auch nicht so schlecht aus wie gedacht :super:

Das könnte durchaus was für mich werden. :bye:


Mir soll sowas mal schön am Popo vorbeigehen.
Die haben schon längst die Franchise Kuh so sehr gemolken, dass sie nur noch saure Milch gibt.


New Member
Ein Saw Spiel? :headscratch:
Ist das jetzt nicht ein wenig übertrieben.
Naja mir kanns egal sein, ich kauf mir den Blödsinn sowieso nicht


New Member
klingt interessant, wenns halt ein Action Adventure wird - nur bin ich dann nicht so der Freund des Raetselloesens unter Zeitdruck....
Naja, Demo mal anspielen wuerd ich sagen...


...der mit dem Gamepad tanzt
würd' mich mal interessieren, wo du die infos her hast, da die Infos über den Character nicht stimmen...

Man spielt nicht David Tapp... In der "Konami's Gamers Night 09" sah man erste ausschnitte vom Spiel: man spielt einen weißen, dessen Name (noch nicht) bekannt ist, wie der Producer vom Spiel John Williamson selbst anmerkt... Das interview und erste Ausschnitte gibbet hier:

Man legt sich auch nicht mit anderen Mitarbeitern von Jigsaw an, sondern Menschen, die der Falle Jigsaw's nicht entkommen konnten... Auch sollen einige offene Fragen der Filme beantwortet werden, obwohl man auch als SAW-nicht-Kenner Spass am Spiel haben soll...


hauptsache bereits gesehen
Original von ThePlake0815
würd' mich mal interessieren, wo du die infos her hast, da die Infos über den Character nicht stimmen...

Dann müssen sich scheinbar die Macher selbst irren.

"Jigsaw has killed your partner and destroyed your life. Now he has trapped you in an abandoned insane asylum that he alone controls. If you can defeat his brutal traps and survive, you may just discover the truth behind what drives this twisted serial killer.

SAW is a third-person perspective, survival horror game based on the SAW film franchise, which has grossed more than $665M worldwide and sold more than 28 million DVDs. The game features many of the deadly mechanical traps seen in the film, as well as terrifying new ones. Players will pit their wits against Jigsaw as they navigate his world in an attempt to evade and escape his gruesome traps, while also struggling against his minions in brutal combat by using weapons found within the environment.

SAW, the video game, is based on a treatment from Zombie Studios and the creators of the SAW franchise, Leigh Whannell and James Wan.

The timeline for the game takes place between the movies: SAW and SAW II, giving the game its own story, yet fitting within the narratives of the movies.

The story centers on Detective David Tapp who awakens in a decrepit, abandoned asylum. He has been captured by his longtime nemesis, Jigsaw. Obsessed with catching this serial killer, Tapps mission has consumed him and ruined his family, resulting in divorce, mental imbalance, and abandonment. Worse yet, this frantic hunt destroyed Tapps career while he watched his long-time friend and partner get killed by one of Jigsaws traps. Now Jigsaw has the upper hand and has captured the detective. Tapp must play a deadly game”the likes of which he has been investigating for years”to escape, and in order to do so he must survive the lethal traps and puzzles that Jigsaw has put in place for him and others. But each victim has a dark connection to Tapp. Will Tapp save them? Can he survive his obsession to find the Jigsaw killer?

Product Features
Traps of Lethal Cunning Jigsaw has laid out a gauntlet of torturous traps for a handful of innocents. Only you stand between them and the most brutal death imaginable. Think quickly and act! The clock is ticking.
Choices of Conscience The player is forced to make difficult moral choices. Who lives and who dies in the game is determined by the players choices.
Mysteries Revealed Unanswered questions from the films are finally laid to rest. Gamers will discover the origin of Jigsaw and why he devoted his life to games, while also finding out what happened to the characters from the first SAW movie.
An Ecology of Terror The asylum in which Jigsaw has trapped you is abandoned, but it is far from empty. It is a living world of horror populated by Jigsaws minions and the insane souls they torture¦ and they have no intention of letting you leave.

© Konami Digital Entertainment. KONAMI is a registered trademark of KONAMI CORPORATION. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.

Jigsaw has killed your partner and destroyed your life. Now he has trapped you in an abandoned insane asylum that he alone controls. If you can defeat his brutal traps and survive, you may just discover the truth behind what drives this twisted serial killer.

SAW is a third-person perspective, survival horror game based on the SAW film franchise, which has grossed more than $665M worldwide and sold more than 28 million DVDs. The game features many of the deadly mechanical traps seen in the film, as well as terrifying new ones. Players will pit their wits against Jigsaw as they navigate his world in an attempt to evade and escape his gruesome traps, while also struggling against his minions in brutal combat by using weapons found within the environment.

SAW, the video game, is based on a treatment from Zombie Studios and the creators of the SAW franchise, Leigh Whannell and James Wan.

The timeline for the game takes place between the movies: SAW and SAW II, giving the game its own story, yet fitting within the narratives of the movies.

The story centers on Detective David Tapp who awakens in a decrepit, abandoned asylum. He has been captured by his longtime nemesis, Jigsaw. Obsessed with catching this serial killer, Tapps mission has consumed him and ruined his family, resulting in divorce, mental imbalance, and abandonment. Worse yet, this frantic hunt destroyed Tapps career while he watched his long-time friend and partner get killed by one of Jigsaws traps. Now Jigsaw has the upper hand and has captured the detective. Tapp must play a deadly game”the likes of which he has been investigating for years”to escape, and in order to do so he must survive the lethal traps and puzzles that Jigsaw has put in place for him and others. But each victim has a dark connection to Tapp. Will Tapp save them? Can he survive his obsession to find the Jigsaw killer?

Product Features
Traps of Lethal Cunning Jigsaw has laid out a gauntlet of torturous traps for a handful of innocents. Only you stand between them and the most brutal death imaginable. Think quickly and act! The clock is ticking.
Choices of Conscience The player is forced to make difficult moral choices. Who lives and who dies in the game is determined by the players choices.
Mysteries Revealed Unanswered questions from the films are finally laid to rest. Gamers will discover the origin of Jigsaw and why he devoted his life to games, while also finding out what happened to the characters from the first SAW movie.
An Ecology of Terror The asylum in which Jigsaw has trapped you is abandoned, but it is far from empty. It is a living world of horror populated by Jigsaws minions and the insane souls they torture¦ and they have no intention of letting you leave.

© Konami Digital Entertainment. KONAMI is a registered trademark of KONAMI CORPORATION. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.

Microsoft, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, and the Xbox LIVE logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.