Diego de la Vega
Not Yet Rated
Laut Mark Neveldine kommt "Crank 3" doch noch. Die Studios seinen begeistert und es sei nun eine Frage des Timings. Man wolle Idris Elba, wisse aber noch nicht wie genau man ihn da rein bekomme. Laut weiterer Angaben sucht man wohl noch nach dem passenden Lebenselixier, was Chev nach Adrenalin im Original und Strom in Teil 2 diesmal auf Trab halten soll.
"I would LOVE that! Actually, we joking-but-not-quite-jokingly joked about that with Idris while we were over in Romania and Turkey. Just trying to figure out a way of getting him into Crank 3. There are so many different ways that Crank 3 could go. We've been talking about the top 50 ideas we what to do for Crank 3, so we're just trying to pare them down. By the way, Crank 3 is going to happen, the studios are really excited about it. It's just all about timing."
"That alone, we have 20 ways to tackle it. You know, with Crank, basically, you insert another quarter and you play the game again. It's kind of like what thrills me and Brian, it's whatever we feel like doing there in the moment, whatever we wanna do, we just do and make it happen. The important thing is what powers Chev. It was adrenaline that kept him alive in the first one, it was electricity in the second one, you know, it's all about what will keep him alive in the third one. It's just fun slinging those ideas around."
Laut Mark Neveldine kommt "Crank 3" doch noch. Die Studios seinen begeistert und es sei nun eine Frage des Timings. Man wolle Idris Elba, wisse aber noch nicht wie genau man ihn da rein bekomme. Laut weiterer Angaben sucht man wohl noch nach dem passenden Lebenselixier, was Chev nach Adrenalin im Original und Strom in Teil 2 diesmal auf Trab halten soll.
"I would LOVE that! Actually, we joking-but-not-quite-jokingly joked about that with Idris while we were over in Romania and Turkey. Just trying to figure out a way of getting him into Crank 3. There are so many different ways that Crank 3 could go. We've been talking about the top 50 ideas we what to do for Crank 3, so we're just trying to pare them down. By the way, Crank 3 is going to happen, the studios are really excited about it. It's just all about timing."
"That alone, we have 20 ways to tackle it. You know, with Crank, basically, you insert another quarter and you play the game again. It's kind of like what thrills me and Brian, it's whatever we feel like doing there in the moment, whatever we wanna do, we just do and make it happen. The important thing is what powers Chev. It was adrenaline that kept him alive in the first one, it was electricity in the second one, you know, it's all about what will keep him alive in the third one. It's just fun slinging those ideas around."