Wie bei Alice 2..?Jay schrieb:Vielleicht kann sich Burton ja erbarmen und die Regie einem anderen überlassen?
Ich finde das, was der Keaton da von sich gibt ist aller erste Güte! Der hat aber Mal zu 1000% verstanden, was das original Beetlejuice ausmacht.Diego de la Vega schrieb:Michael Keaton: "No. Zero. You always hear things, that this is happening, and people seem to know more about it than I do.... it's possible that ship has sailed. The only way to do it is to do it right. So much of it was improvised and so much was beautifully handmade by the artist that is Tim Burton. If you can't get close to that, you leave it alone. There are certain movies that are like Indian burial grounds. You never ride over them. Bad s--- happens if you cross that. You don't touch certain things. They are sacred."