Dan Gilroy bringt künstliche Intelligenz auf den Markt


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Dan Gilroy, der Regisseur von NIGHTCRAWLER (2014), ROMAN J. ISRAEL, ESQU. (2017) und VELVET BUZZSAW (2019) hat sein nächstes Projekt angekündigt. Sein Film FASTER, CHEAPER, BETTER soll einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren abdecken, in dem nach und nach künstliche Intelligenz auf dem Arbeitsmarkt seinen Platz findet.
Es soll mehrere Handlungsstränge an verschiedenen Orten geben, die sich auch immer wieder überschneiden.

Der Regisseur dazu noch:

It’s a big multi-narrative film, set over two decades in multiple locales. We follow a group of inter-connected characters, as they deal with automation and AI changing their world, particularly the work world. I’ve always been interested in machines and technology and it fairly recently how automation and AI are just profoundly transforming the workplace. For example, right now at this moment, there are fully automated factories around the world where robots are literally making robots to replace people in an absolutely endless variety of jobs. Not just manufacturing and production jobs. I realized when I started doing the research that this is just the beginning of a transformational era we are about to enter into, where automation and AI are really the employment equivalent of climate change. And how utterly unprepared we are as people, and as a world, for what is coming.
