The Green Hornet and Kato ~ Reboot

Diego de la Vega

Not Yet Rated
Basierend auf der aus Radio, Fernseh, Comic und Kino bekannten Geschichte um den Superhelden Green Hornet und dessen Sidekick Kato. The Accountant und Warrior-Regisseur Gavin O’Connor soll den Reboot von The Green Hornet für Paramount und Chernin Entertainment drehen. Der eher unbekannte Sean O’Keefe tippt.

Gavin O’Connor: My intention is to bring a gravitas to The Green Hornet that wipes away the camp and kitsch of the previous iteration. I want to re-mythologize The Green Hornet in a contemporary context, with an emphasis on story and character, while at the same time, incorporating themes that speak to my heart. The comic book movie is the genre of our time. How do we look at it differently? How do we create a distinctive film experience that tells itself differently than other comic book movies? How do we land comfortably at the divide between art and industry? How do we go deeper, prompt more emotion? How do we put a beating heart into the character that was never done before? These are my concerns…these are my desires, my intentions, my fears, my goals.

I’ve been wanting to make this movie— and create this franchise— since I’ve wanted to make movies. As a kid, when most of my friends were into Superman and Batman, there was only one superhero who held my interest— The Green Hornet. I always thought he was the baddest badass because he had no superpowers. The Green Hornet was a human superhero. And he didn’t wear a clown costume. And he was a criminal— in the eyes of the law— and in the eyes of the criminal world. So all this felt real to me. Imagine climbing to the top of the Himalayas, or Mount Everest, or K2 over and over again and no one ever knew? You can never tell anybody. That’s the life of Britt and Kato. What they do, they can never say. They don’t take credit for anything.

Batman upside down meets Bourne inside out by way of [American Sniper hero] Chris Kyle.

Weg mit dem Kitsch und Camp der vorherigen Version soll es ernsthafter und im zeitgenössischen Kontext vonstatten gehen.

Interessiert an einer harten, realen Version der Grünen Hornisse?


Not interested in Naval Policy
Klingt super dämlich. Dann lieber nochmal 10 Seth Rogen Comedy-Versionen. The Green Hornet war außerdem vollkommen zu Unrecht schlecht gemacht. Verstehe kaum, wieso die Involvierten da so zurückgerudert sind. Vielleicht 1-2 Drehbuchversionen und eine Cameron Diaz weniger weg von einem richtig guten Film, aber ein unterhaltsamer, angenehm lustiger, originell gemachter Film, der bessere Action und einen besseren Bösewicht zu bieten hatte, als viele beliebtere, erfolgreichere "Blockbuster" der letzten Jahre (Ja, ich meine Marvel).


Well-Known Member
Finde ich ähnlich bescheuert. Green Hornet in ernst? Nein, danke! Der Film, den wir haben, war richtig gut. Auch ich hätte lieber Fortsetzungen davon.