Planet der Affen 2: Revolution [Kritik]


New Member
Noermel schrieb:
Nette Sache ja auch mit dem Zeitsprung 8)
Noooooooch etwas weiter dann und wir sind in der Mark Wahlberg Timeline :w00t: right guys ? :biggrin:

Ist ewig her, dass ich den Film gesehen hab. War es nicht so, dass der
gar nicht auf der Erde spielte? :confused:


Well-Known Member
@Member: Du meinst jetzt das Remake "Planet der Affen" von Burton von 2001. Das hier ist die Fortsetzung von "Planet der Affen: Prevolution " (Originaltitel: Rise of the Planet of the Apes) von 2011.

brawl 56

Ich bin auf 13 Sternen zum Tode verurteilt!
Grintolix schrieb:
Das eine Bild hier macht mich besonders neugierig. Verwilderte, menschenleere Städte. Das sieht einfach toll aus. Freue mich schon sehr auf den Streifen.
Jap, sehr unwohliges Gefühl bei dem Bild! Aber so mag ich das :biggrin:

Ich freu mich echt riesig auf den Film :smile:


Das Robocop Remake erinnert mich irgendwie so ein wenig an Windows 8, weiß auch nicht warum... :check:
Und das Planet of the Apes Remake an ein richtig geniales Custom-ROM für Android! :thumbsup:


Düsterer Beherrscher
Auf der "CinemaCon" wurde eine Szene aus dem Film und ein neuer Trailer gezeigt.

Die gezeigte Szene wäre unheimlich atmosphärisch, schreckenerregend und gleichzeitig auf eine äusserst gruselige Weise wundervoll gewesen, so der Autor.

Hier eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Szene:

Two humans sit in what looks like a checkpoint on the outskirts of the human village. They're laying on a couple sandbags and drinking. In the not-so-far distance a singular ape approaches. The two men get tense. The ape lumbers over, the men freak out, pull their guns and scream "HEY, STOP! HEY!" The ape stretches out long raises his arms, hands-in-the-air style. He keeps coming closer. The men are scared, the giant ape somersaults and lands on the sand bags and stretches out next to the men. He smiles, they nervously smile back. The ape is aping the humans. They start to relax, the ape gestures to the bottle of booze. "You want a drink?" The ape is smiling and laughing and gesturing to the bottle. They hand him the drink, he takes a BIG swig, and spits it everywhere. The men wince, ready for ape rage, but the ape just laughs and smiles at him. They laugh and laugh. And suddenly the ape is on his feet, he has one of the guns. Still laughing, he's holding the gun as oddly as one would expect an ape to hold an automatic weapon. The men yell "whoa" — and the ape shoots one man down. The ape is smiling. He points the automatic weapon at the surviving man, and shoots. He's still smiling. It's absolutely horrifying, and wonderful.

Und hier eine Trailerbeschreiebung:

First up, we get a look into the Apes new habitat. Which we've seen glimpses of before. The Apes appear to live alone, surrounded by a massive barricade of sharpened logs. And yes, they have horses, lots of them. One of the first shots focuses on an army of horse-riding apes. They look fantastic. Inside their home, you can see the beginning of ape society. A lot of familiar faces appear, Maurice the Orangutan from the previous film is there, and you see flashes of him from time to time throughout the trailer. Maurice looks sad, or concerned, he's seen counseling Caesar. Which gives credence to the rumor that all the Apes can talk now, although the only ape we hear talk is Caesar (and he says "Apes, Family, Future." We see a family of apes gathering, playing with their babies. A lady ape and constructed some sort of bonnet made out of flowers. Life is good in the forrest for apes.

But then one day, a man walks into town. Clearly these two societies have not interacted in sometime. The response is immediately negative. It's actor Toby Kebbel, he puts up his hands, he's there to make a deal. What deal, we don't know.

Cut to the humans. They are not doing so well. Gary Oldman is talking to a very small group of humans over a loud speaker he bellows, "It took us four years fighting in the gutters but we are survivors." Kerri Russell counters, "It was a virus created in the labs, you can't blame the apes." Kirk Acevedo spits back "Who else am I going to blame?"

Lots of flashes between actors Jason Clarke and Oldman, they are clearly fighting with each other on how they should be handling the Apes. Jason is seen in a poncho trying to make contact with the Apes, clearly they need something. Oldman wants them all dead, calls the apes animals, and is seen clutching and crying a picture of two little girls (presumably his dead family). We can assume that they were either victims of the this Simian Flu (that is a major part of this movie) or they died in the many skirmishes between humans versus apes, or humans versus humans. Clarke insists they don't want a war, and is heard screaming, "Don't shoot" (but of course you hear a shot).

Clarke and Caesar must strike some sort of deal, because they're seen talking, something happens and Clark tells Caesar he has to flee. It's all leading up to a massive load of apes, wearing war paint standing in the forest. The beginning of a war. Caesar yells, "Together Strong!"


Das-, vor allem die Beschreibung der Szene, liest sich fantastisch und macht nochmal richtig Lust auf den Film :top:

Edward Nygma

ehemals Eric Draven
Gänsehaut pur!! Alles, einfach alles in diesem Trailer stimmt. Schon alleine was gesagt wird erzeugt schon Gänsehaut :thumbsup:


dank AF
Schon erstaunlich, wie groß die Unterschiede sein können. Ein 30-Sekunden TV-Spot kann mehr Spannung, mehr Dramatik und mehr antizipierte Bedrohung versprühen als fast dreiminütige Trailer. Bin äußerst gespannt auf den Film. Der erste Teil war eine positive Überraschung, die zwar nach erneuten Sichtungen nicht mehr so stark wirkt, wie noch damals bei der Erstcihtung, aber immer noch so viel richtig macht. "Dawn" muss jetzt zwangsläufig höhere Erwartungen erfüllen. Scheint in eine gute Richtung zu gehen.