Doctor Who


Lebt noch
Na wenn Winged hier schon die News raushaut sollt ich doch auch ein zwei sachen posten oder? :squint:

the Who and A:

Matt & Jenna: Do you have fun with the wardrobe?
Do you have fun with the wardrobe? What, in your opinion, is the best costume you have gotten to wear?

MATT: Yeah. We’ve got this new costume designer called Howard— [JENNA: The Big H!]—who has just really, reinvented the show in an amazing way. For me he’s given me this great purple coat.

JENNA: (wait a sec…) That’s the fandom trying to figure out where I come from? That’s a sneaky little trick! I think just Christmas, the two Victorian ones which Howard handmade from scratch. Oswin was fun, there was a great utility belt that I got to play with.

MATT: I really liked that red costume.

JENNA: Yeah.

What has been the funniest thing to happen on set while filming?
MATT: I try to wind up and annoy my costumer Kat, long suffering Kat. she’ll come in and she’ll go to check me… [To JENNA] Go on, you be Kat. [JENNA adjusts MATT’s “costume” and MATT suddenly yelps in surprise. They laugh.]

MATT: You know, I’m just appalling to her.

JENNA: I like to hide.

MATT: Yeah, a bit of hiding when they come to check you.

JENNA [laughs]: Check time! You’re jumping from the costume assistant and I’m hiding underneath the set.

Who & A: what kind of things do you do on set to pass time between takes?
I was wondering ( as a huge Whovian ) what kind of things do you do on set to pass time between takes?
( Had a massive fangirl fit when i saw the Q&A post , I think I scared my mum ALSO I think this will be one of the best Christmas Episodes yet, can’t wait! )

: [to Matt] We did the whole going around and you have to name a pop star. And at the end of that letter you have to go and name another pop star using that letter…. We did that for quite a few days.

MATT: We’re such good friends with the crew that we just hang. Keep it real with the crew, man. That’s it. Listen to music. But you know, generally, you sort of work between takes. There’s always a photo to do or you are catching up with whatever you’re having to do with on your phone…

JENNA: Trying to get ahead on scenes.

MATT: Learning other scenes. There isn’t a great deal of, like, just down time.

JENNA: Lots of changes, like costume changes…There really isn’t a still moment is there?

Question for Jenna: Please spill the beans!
Please spill the beans on the stuff Karen Gillan told and/or texted you about Matt? I’m sure a lot of us are dying to know! :biggrin:

JENNA: I’ve been keeping it from Matt for months. Between the girls I’m afraid.

MATT: I know. She basically said, “Look, try and stay away from him. You don’t want to get to close.”

JENNA: How did you know that?

MATT: Well you know, I sensed it.

Matt.. I just wanted to know if your mum still checks your fanmail :smile:
Well since I have absolutely no talent in art I’ll just do a text post..1. For Matt.. I just wanted to know if your mum still checks your fanmail :smile:

MATT: Yeah, she does all my fan mail. She’s always gets cross with me because I never… It’s hard, I have to go home and sign as many cards as I can. I’ve got no cards! So to all those fans waiting for fan mail, it will all come back at ya I promise!

Who is the bigger goofball on set?
Okay, I HAVE to know — who is the bigger goofball (Blödian,Doofkopp) on set: Matt or Jenna?

MATT: Is it me?

JENNA: You’re a bigger goofball than me.

MATT: I probably am the bigger goofball.

JENNA [to Matt]: You like to tease. You like to wind people up. As time’s gone on you can see Matt try to find his way in on what he can tease me about.

MATT: Yeah, I’m still trying to work that out.

Jenna, what’s the best thing about being on Doctor Who?
JENNA: The fact that every single day is something completely new and different. You can literally walk onto a set and be in one world and then the next day it’s ripped down and suddenly you’re like in Victorian Yorkshire. By locations and casting, I don’t think there’s any other show like it.

Jenna, how are the avocados?
(When Jenna found out that she got the part on Doctor Who, she was in a shop holding an avocado.)

MATT: Dude, she eats avocados, like, every hour. Breakfast this morning: chopped avocado on toast.

JENNA [laughs]: I did!

MATT: She loves avocados. It’s no surprise to me that that’s what you would buy.

But I was literally holding it. It was in the palm of my hand as I answered the phone. That’s why I didn’t know what to do.

MATT: Did you eat that avocado?

JENNA: No I had to put it back.

MATT: No way!

JENNA: Because I can’t check out now! I can’t! I was just like “What do I do?” I had a basket full of things and I just left it. I didn’t know where to go or what to do. I went for a walk. And I had no socks on and I got sore feet. I just slipped out of the house to go to the market.

MATT: Classic.

What was your weirdest encounter with a fan?
MATT: I don’t know, many things. One told me I look like a hedgehog (Igel).

JENNA [laughs]: A hedgehog?

MATT: A pet hedgehog. This was in Wales. She said I looked like her pet hedgehog.

JENNA: That is the weirdest.

MATT: One, hedgehogs are flea ridden. Who has a hedgehog for a pet? And two, that is bordering on insulting.

JENNA: You know it’s funny because, you’d think this would be the weirdest one [for me], but it’s not because it’s true: “So you’re a Dalek?” That’s kind of the question I get asked the most.

What can we expect for the rest of the season?!
Matt: Can’t reveal much but there are eight episodes [and the Christmas Special] on their way!

Which of your characters would win in a snowball fight?

MATT: Pfft, there’s only one winner…

MATT & JENNA [simultaneously]: Me.

MATT: Are you joking?? [JENNA: Are you kidding?]

MATT: Alright, let me tell you the advantages I have. Wisdom, 900 years. Height. Pace.

JENNA: He is clumsier!

MATT: Man, there wouldn’t even be a fight.

JENNA: No The Doctor would get it wrong. He’d melt it by accident. Like, you’d think you’re gonna do it really really well and then suddenly something would go wrong. Or you’d get distracted or you’d come up with this incredible, amazing plan and then like stumble over a rock and then I’d win.

MATT: Definitely not…. Agree to disagree? Doctor. Come on, we all know Doctor.


Lebt noch
Neil Gaiman: From The Doctor' Wife. An out-take...

Anything that wasn’t moving the plot forward has gone. Lots of interesting chatty background conversations in the TARDIS, gone. Lines of dialogue that were fun in themselves but weren’t really needed? Gone. And the food scene? Very gone indeed. It’s been gone since draft six. Given that it’s not there any longer, and that that tells you absolutely nothing about the story except that it now doesn’t have a scene with a bowl of food in it, I thought I’d borrow it back from Lucien’s library.
The Doctor has just been given a bowl of something to eat. Something…possibly…alien…

Is it something people can eat?
(to Doctor)
Shouldn’t you scan it with your screwdriver or something?
Why would I scan food with my screwdriver?
See if it’s safe?
The Doctor leans over, dips his finger into his bowl, tastes it.
Some unusual trace elements, smidge too much background radiation, but, yeah, very yummy.
Amy is about to try some of his food… he stops her.
THE DOCTOR (cont’d)
No. Don’t put it in your mouth.
Not for humans?
Not for you. Tastes like Marmite on socks.


Lebt noch

oh und

Doctor Who: The Snowmen - Christmas Special Trailer - BBC One Christmas 2012


The Snowmen Short Clip Doctor Who


Doctor Who TARDIS Its Showtime Intro One Show

Edit: TARDIS PC Case: Insert your own punchline here. Available at


Well-Known Member
WIrkt so kalt, aber irgendwie erinnert es mich auch an die klassische Inneneinrichtung. Seltsam, dabei sieht es doch ganz anders aus. :biggrin:


New Member
Muahaha, ich glaube ich habe Kitty fast an der Angel XD
Hab ihr vorhin S5E2 gezeigt und die Folge hat ihr richtig gut gefallen :biggrin:
New Whovian inc!


Serial Watcher
Du hast noch nie Gummibärchen probiert? Das solltest Du auf jeden Fall nachholen... :wink:

Edit: Das ist der Hammer! Habe gerade mal bei Wiki nachgesehen von wegen "Jelly Babies" und dort wird explizit der vierte Doctor Tom Baker erwähnt. Genial.
Edit2: Screaming Jelly Baby .


Serial Watcher
...die sind ja auch nicht von Haribo. Hmm, vielleicht sollte ich mir auch mal welche aus GB bestellen - hoffentlich klappt das noch bis zum Weltuntergang... :squint:

Edit: Jelly Babies, nicht Beans oder Belly - Jelly Beans sind was anderes und einen Jelly Belly haben dicke Leute... :biggrin:
Edit2: Bestellt - die hier ...

Time Lord

of The Doctor
Das sind keine Jelly Babies, steht doch noch drauf Jelly Beans :ugly: :tongue:
Ich hatte welche bei meiner riesen Who Bestellung von Forbiddenplanet gratis bei :biggrin: