The Expendables 3 ~ Mel Gibson und Wesley Snipes [Kritik]


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Sly hat sich für seine offene Kritik an Bruce Willis' Desinteresse an Ex3 entschuldigt:

In the latest issue of Empire magazine (which has a posh picture of The Hunger Games on the front cover), there's a new interview with Sylvester Stallone, where he's asked specifically about that Tweet. "This is just a matter of economics", Stallone said. "Bruce has been a lifelong friend. I still consider him a friend, at least on my side. This is something that came out of frustration, but it also turned out okay". Stallone did also admit "perhaps I shouldn't have been so vocal with it".


Und Mel Gibson hat sich zu seinem neuen Body geäußert. Er sagt, er habe keine Steroide gebraucht:

That's just hard work," he said. "Have you seen the side-effects of some of that crap? Forget it, that's too scary. Some people say, 'It's inconceivable, how can he do that?' Well, I have always had that body type to do that."
Gibson went on to say that when the photo was taken, he has been working out extensively for three months. His normal routine consisted of lifting weights and cardio for three hours, three times a week. He also had a diet of carefully chosen food and natural supplements. "I have never worked out three times a week in my entire life," he said. "It's actually helped. My lower back feels better. My weight has stayed exactly the same, except my pants fit."

Also für 3 Monate 3x die Woche Gewichtheben und bisschen Diät sind das schon sehr... wundersame Ergebnisse.



Düsterer Beherrscher
Die Tagline passt schonmal wie die Faust auf's Auge und das Poster ist mit dem Zusatz "Promo" auch entschuldigt :biggrin:

Was mich allerdings sehr optimistisch stimmt: Die mehr als offensichtlich- gute Laune am Set :top: Solche Bilder, die zudem auch nicht im entferntesten gekünstelt oder gezwungen wirken, gab es beim Dreh von 'EX2' nicht zu sehen :smile:


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Gut möglich. :smile:

Dem Wall Street Magazine hat er jetzt erzählt, dass Exp3 die Action auf die Spitze treibe und ihn extrem forderte. Es klingt, als wäre es für ihn der Abgesang auf körperlichen Einsatz, was Actionfilme betrifft. Also danach eventuell nur noch in Rollen zu sehen, wie sie Ford jetzt spielt?

"I believe that the last film I did, “Expendables III” we took it to the max and I thought, there isn’t much further I can go with this."


Düsterer Beherrscher
Kam der Satz nicht von Stallone?!


Stallone hat ein wenig über den Film geplaudert:

“I was very interested in the premise. It’s not “Rocky 7,” it’s not near that at all. Rocky is retired, kind of set adrift. He’s very lonely in his world. His life has gone by waiting for the inevitable. The grandson of most beloved friend died in his arms and he was visiting him and this relationship starts. This person comes from an entirely different culture side of the world, and something happens that’s incredibly dramatic and profound. This is a drama, not me getting in the ring.. I thought this would be something very unique, to be able to take this character and go another generation with it and still have him be vital and relevant. Wow, that’s unique. I believe that the last film I did, “Expendables III” we took it to the max and I thought, there isn’t much further I can go with this. So I started to speak to the powers that be. I want to go back and do films like “Cop Land” and the early “Rocky”’s. I’m not giving up the action film but now it’s a suspense movie, it’s a bit more emotional.

Entweder hast du dich vertippt oder Sly hat Fords Statement, oder umgekehrt, geklaut :biggrin:

Ich interpretiere das so, als wolle Ford/Stallone dieses Maß an körperlichem Einsatz nicht mehr überschreiten wollen/können.